Tuesday morning was all about the fourth address of the PM Modi to the nation amid coronavirus outbreak. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the extension of 21-days coronavirus nationwide lockdown till May 3.

The hotspots of coronavirus will be under strict surveillance in coming lockdown days. Some conditional relaxations may be given to the places with no coronavirus count after April 20.

We the people of India

PM Modi paid tribute to the BR Ambedkar by saying that the collective strength of the nation displays the constitution’s “We the people of India” in real. The people of India are playing a big role in the fight against coronavirus. People’s sacrifice is ensuring our win with every passing day. Each person of the nation is fighting like a soldier with this pandemic. The discipline of India is setting a new benchmark for the entire world. India is fighting much better than the other countries with this crisis. The stability of India is comparatively better than other nations.

Highlighted Points of the PM Modi Address

  • Life above the economy. The lives of people are more important.
  • Hotspots of coronavirus are under strict surveillance as well as the doubtful places will also be strictly monitored.
  • For the next week, the whole nation is under strict surveillance. The places that will pass this strict surveillance and will have no coronavirus cases may get some conditional relaxations after April 20.
  • The conditional relaxation is for the welfare of our daily wages worker.
  • We have a sufficient amount of grains and food. The nation will face no shortages regarding food and grains.
  • The guidelines regarding the extension of lockdown will be announced tomorrow by the government.
  • He requested to stay wherever you are till the lockdown.

7 appeals of PM Modi to the nation

  1. Take care of the senior citizens in your house, especially those who have past medical records.
  2. Follow the norms of lockdown and social distancing strictly. Use homemade face cover or mask.
  3. To boost your immunity, follow the guidelines given by Ministry of AYUSH.
  4. Download and follow the Aarogya Setu app to track the safety of yours. And aware others too regarding this app.
  5. Help poor families around you as much possible as you can.
  6. The people who own a business are requested to be sensitive towards the workers and their needs. Do not fire anybody in this severe crisis.
  7. Respect our frontline warrior’s doctors, police and all the others.