Indian Author Arundhati Roy again came up with a new controversy. In search of entertainment in quarantine, Arundhati Roy wants limelight by making provoking comments on the Indian government. When India is at war with Coronavirus, this is the kind of venom Arundhati Roy decides to spew.
On April 17, Arundhati Roy on an overseas channel accused the Indian government of creating tensions between Hindu and Muslims.
She said that this alleged strategy on the part of the Hindu nationalist government would “dovetail with this illness to create something which the world should keep its eyes on,” adding that “the situation is approaching genocidal.”
Queen of controversies said, “I think what has happened is COVID-19 has exposed things about India that all of us knew.”
“We are suffering, not just from COVID, but from a crisis of hatred, from a crisis of hunger.”
“This crisis of hatred against Muslims comes on the back of a massacre in Delhi, which was the result of people protesting against the anti-Muslim citizenship law. Under the cover of COVID-19, the government is moving to arrest young students, to fight cases against lawyers, against senior editors, against activists and intellectuals. Some of them have recently been put in jail.”
She continues her Anti-Modi cry, “The whole of the organization, the RSS [Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a Hindu nationalist group] to which Modi belongs, which is the mother ship of the BJP [Bharatiya Janata Party], has long said that India should be a Hindu nation. Its ideologues have likened the Muslims of India to the Jews of Germany. And if you look at how they are using COVID, it was very much like typhus was used against the Jews to ghettoize them, to stigmatize them.”
She said that the Modi government is taking COVID-19 as an opportunity to use against Muslims.
"The government's agenda has been this."
Author and writer Arundhati Roy spoke to DW about the 'stigmatization' of Muslims with the coronavirus illness in India.
— DW News (@dwnews) April 18, 2020
She gave her opinion. Its democracy, we can also give our opinion on this, starting with-
About Arundhati Roy
Arundhati Roy is known as an Indian Author. She is known by her book God of Small Things which won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction. She lives in Delhi and she is a political activist too.
Opinion-Arundhati Roy is an Indian author, but she doesn’t seem like one. She lives in India, writes in India, Earns from India, got established in India, but she is always ready to go against India. Instead of writing God of Small Things, she should write how to glorify a small mentality in front of the whole world.
Arundhati on genocide
Arundhati Roy talks about the lynching of Muslims. She believes that the Modi government is taking advantage of the coronavirus situation and is on the mission of genocide of Muslims.
Opinion-On April 19, at Palnagar a mob lynching took place in which the locals killed three Hindu saints beating them with rocks and lathis. She won’t condemn now and will give deaf ears to this topic. The baseless statement of her that the Modi government is on the mission of genocide can easily be proved wrong. With the fact that its Indian government and Indian doctors who are treating the Tablighi Jamaat crowd. Tolerating all the nuisance of the Tablighi Jamaat Members, the India government is giving orders to the health care professionals to take care of them.
Arundhati talks about hunger and crisis of hatred
Arundhati says that “We are suffering, not just from COVID, but from a crisis of hatred, from a crisis of hunger.”
Opinion– Saying such statements while sitting in an Air-conditioned room does not justify her feeling of nationalism. Sitting in your room with comfort and then talking about the crisis of hatred and hunger is not the real quality of an activist. Instead of making such provoking statements, she should get down on the ground reality to show how much she is concerned for the hunger crisis by helping the poor on the streets.
Queen of Controversies
Here are some controversial comments by Arundhati-
- “Kashmir has never been an integral part of India. It is a historical fact. Even the Indian Government has accepted this.”
- “Anybody who cares to read the transcripts of my speeches will see that they were fundamentally a call for justice. I spoke about justice for the people of Kashmir who live under one of the most brutal military occupations in the world; for Kashmiri Pandits who live out the tragedy of having been driven out of their homeland; Dalit soldiers killed in Kashmir whose graves I visited on garbage heaps in their villages in Cuddalore; the Indian poor who pay the price of this occupation in material ways and who are now learning to live in the terror of what is becoming a police state.”
- “Pity the nation that has to silence its writers for speaking their minds. Pity the nation that needs to jail those who ask for justice, while communal killers, mass murderers, corporate scamsters, looters, rapists, and those who prey on the poorest of the poor, roam free.”
- “I see the government absolutely, as the major aggressor. As far as the Maoists are concerned, of course, their ideology is an ideology of overthrowing the Indian state with violence. However, I don’t believe that if the Indian state was a just state, if ordinary people had some minor hope for justice, the Maoists would just be a marginal group of militants with no popular appeal.”
It’s not the first time. There are many more controversial statements given by Arundhati in the past. Most of the statements always target the Indian government. She has a foot in her mouth. She doesn’t study the facts and figures before writing any statement.
Arundhati on CAB and NRC
“This crisis of hatred against Muslims comes on the back of a massacre in Delhi, which was the result of people protesting against the anti-Muslim citizenship law. Under the cover of COVID-19, the government is moving to arrest young students, to fight cases against lawyers, against senior editors, against activists and intellectuals. Some of them have recently been put in jail.”
Opinion– Since Arundhati is a novelist and quite educated. She didn’t get the concept of CAB and NRC in her head. Instead of spreading hatred by putting up such comments in media. She should explain the real and the actual logic behind CAB and NRC. Keeping aside this communalism feeling for once.
Police complaints about her past controversial speech
After her controversial speech at Delhi University, a police complaint has been filed against the author Arundhati Roy. The complaint filed under Sections 295A, 504, 153 and even 120B of the Indian Penal Code. The speech was all about CAB, NRC and Anti-Modi propaganda.
In 2010, she was also charged with sedition by Delhi Police for their anti-India speech. At a 2010 convention on Kashmir: Azadi: The Only Way.
Opinion– People of India have every right to speak on every small and big matter. But to spread hatred and communalism is unacceptable.
People reacts on her Statements
On twitter the people around the world are pouring their reactions. Some of them are-
Left forged cartel-like alliances with ‘influential opinion makers’ like her to target Modi govt. Her aim is to bring disrepute to Modi Govt basis her ‘opinions’ & concocted allegations
Earlier govt’s loyalists & left has been quietly reshaping India 4 their benefits since ages.
— Amrita Bhinder (@amritabhinder) April 18, 2020
Almost dead, left-wing and pseudo-liberalism is now trying to hit back the country with never before vicious ferocity.
They take pride in defaming their country on global platforms.
This is what Left or वामपंथ is.
They are uglier, when unmasked.#ArundhatiRoy #Switzerland— Gaurav Goel (@goelgauravbjp) April 18, 2020
— Sᴜᴢᴀɴɴᴇ Bᴇʀɴᴇʀᴛ (@suzannebernert) April 18, 2020
Amid coronavirus, the author like her, who are in a good position should motivate others. They should tell them to stay home and follow government guidelines. The authors like her should come forward to help the people in this life-threatening crisis instead of making controversies. By making such provoking statements in media will only increase the chaos.
The above writing is purely an opinion and a reaction. Since democracy is for everybody. And the people of India has the right to speech on every thing they want. The above opinion is made only to clear the facts and figures.