The United States President Donald Trump said that the US wants to send the team of experts to China to investigate coronavirus there.

President Trump said this statement after the day he warned Beijing to be ready for the consequences if it was knowingly responsible for the spread of COVID-19. Because of which more than 165,000 people killed and including 41,000 in America.

US doubt virus escape from Wuhan

President Trump during his White House news conference described coronavirus as plague. He also said that he is not happy with China form where this life-threatening virus emerged. The origin of the virus is the central Chinese city Wuhan.

United States President Donald Trump

“We spoke to them (Chinese) a long time ago about going in. We want to go in. And want to see what’s going on. And we weren’t exactly invited, I can tell you that,” Trump told reporters.

The US believes that the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Based on their belief, they want to investigate it. He has repeatedly expressed his disappointment over China’s handling of the coronavirus disease. The non-transparency on coronavirus disease and non-cooperation from Beijing with Washington dealing with the crisis disappoint US.

China denied Trumps demand

President Trump’s demand firmly rejected by China. China is not ready to allow a team from America into Wuhan to investigate the origin of the novel coronavirus. They said it was also a “victim and not a culprit” of the COVID-19.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang

On Trump’s comments, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told media that “the virus is the common enemy for all mankind. It may appear at any time anywhere in the world. Like any other country, China  attacked by this virus. China is a victim instead of the culprit. We are not co-worker for this virus,” he said this in a very straight forward way as a response to Trump’s plan to send a US probe team.

Geng said, “Since the outbreak of the epidemic, China has been acting in an open, transparent and responsible manner with the most thorough and strong measures to stop the spread of the COVID-19”.

Geng said about efforts of China “valuable experience for the international community” to deal with the outbreak in their own countries.

This is also part of our important contribution. The international community appreciated China for doing this,” he said.

Geng questioned US

Talking about H1N1 influenza detected in US 2009 as well as HIV/AIDS and the 2008 financial crisis in America which resulted into global economic crisis, Geng asked, “Did anyone ask US accountability?

He also denied Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne’s decision for an international inquiry into coronavirus including its origins in China.

Payne said that without involving WHO a global enquiry should set up, as WHO accused by America of siding with China.

Geng said, “The remarks by FM of Australia are groundless. We express grave concern and firmly reject that.

On allegations that the virus originated in Wuhan, Geng said “origin of the virus is a serious scientific issue, which requires an assessment from scientists. We hope Australia (will) look at the issue objectively and meticulously.”

US current situation

On April 22, with 431 coronavirus cases and 25 new deaths. The count hits 819,975 coronavirus cases and death toll to 45,343.




China current situation

On April 22, with 30 new coronavirus cases, the count hit 82,788 coronavirus cases and death toll to 4,632.